Telephonic Case management- Determining At-Risk Claims
Pain cost employers $12.1 billion/week in lost productivity. Our RISK EX program provides an early Identification of lost time claims with a high risk potential of delayed recovery, including those with PTSD. Our successful solutions reduce overall claim costs by expediting recovery, restoring function and maximizing the injured worker’s productivity in the workplace and at home by using a combination of proven biopsychosocial treatment techniques.
Why Risk EX?
- The RISK EX program specifically targets Return to Work avoidance for behavioral expert intervention:
- RISK EX utilizes Telephonic Case Managers EXperenced in chronic pain and trauma claims to align injured worker's treatment plan and RTW goals
- The RISK EX program includes a national network of over 1000 psychologists & psychiatrists, who treat behavioral issues to improve RTW and function
Benefits of Risk EX
- EXtra RISK claims can be reliably predicted by assessing a claimant's pain attitudes, propensity for catastrophizing, and other behavioral responses to pain
- Claim costs are contained with early identification to prevent medical and indemnity costs from spiraling out of control
- The RISK EX program EXpedites recovery, restores function and maximizes productivity in the workplace and at home
- Early identification and intervention creates a 50% savings on the most expensive workers' compensation cases