Importance of Pre and Post Operation Education

When patients are grappling with a traumatic work injury, the last thing on their minds is a logical outcome to their medical needs. Studies have shown a positive impact on pre- and post-operation with advanced education, including overall patient satisfaction, reduced problem incidence, and improved quality of life. Positive relationships between injured workers and surgeries also allow for a quicker return to work.
Providing these patients with education related to their specific scenarios is an essential part of Ascential Care’s SX DIRECT program. Our SX DIRECT team will oversee the surgical process and communicate timely all key milestones and barriers to help reduce the costs associated with surgery. The SX DIRECT assignment typically lasts 60 days, with nurse closure at the first post-operation appointment or physical therapy evaluation.
Communication Affects Patient Well-Being
Education, or lack thereof, can determine a patient’s mental well-being after surgery. An injured worker who has been thoroughly educated about the positives and negatives before entering surgery has time to process their post-operation outcomes and can prepare for further treatment plans. Poor communication with patients can result in unexpected consequences like a delayed return to work, resulting in financial struggles and depression.
Lower Your Overall Claims Costs
Setting up times to review information with injured workers is crucial to avoid further claims costs. Some strategies can include discussing any medical allergies the patient has, going over the pros and cons of anesthesia, discussing pain medication post-surgery, reviewing signs and symptoms of common post-op problems, instruction in proper dressing change, and reviewing post-operation activities and instructions provided by the doctor.

Benefits of SX DIRECT:
Enhances injured worker satisfaction through a process that can be overwhelming
Improves network utilization for all surgical needs and obtains medical clearance
Promotes timely communication with the adjuster at critical milestones in the process
A well-designed surgical education program enables our nurses to provide a thoughtful, aggressive approach to workplace injury. Whether looking to get in touh with one of our medical professionals or interested in improving your claims program, ACP looks forward to hearing from you.